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Donna McIntosh


Donna McIntosh


Online, Beachwood


800-642-4560 x816



• MA in Chaplaincy, Ashland Theological Seminary
• Certificate in Ignatian Spiritual Direction, John Carroll University.


Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and Certification as a Spiritual Director.


Donna has trained and worked professionally in chaplaincy since 2005 and is a member of the Spiritual Care Association. She’s practiced as a spiritual director since completing her training in spiritual direction with the Ignatian Spirituality Institute in 2019.

Personal statement:

Two of my passions are helping others draw close to God and coming alongside those in crisis. In my calling as a chaplain and a spiritual director I get to do both. I have a heart for leaders and those who care for others. I believe those responsible for others need a safe place to search for answers or just be heard. I provide that space. I am trained and gifted to accompany individuals through difficult times as well as accompanying those seeking to find meaning in their life. Sometimes as leaders we need a compassionate presence and a listening ear, heart and mind amid the responsibilities in our lives. One of my life verses in the Bible is found in Isaiah 61:1-3.

Hope Behavioral Health counseling services


Mailing address for all therapists and offices:
Hope Behavioral Health
24100 Chagrin Blvd Ste 330, Beachwood, OH 44122

(800) 642-4560
(216) 245-6770

© 2025 Hope Behavioral Health 

Our counseling services are HIPPA compliant
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